Transfer Architecture Video Award 2021
My short video Dear John (2021, 5’’) has been selected as one of the 10 finalists of the 2021 TRANSFER Architecture Video Award, that recognises creative and innovative short films in the field of architecture, city or landscape worldwide. Members of the Jury include: Giovanna Borasi, Alejandra Celedón, Josep Ferrando, Fabrizio Gallanti, Christophe Girot, Daniel Kötter, Rahul Mehrotra, Isabel Concheiro, and Helen van Vemde. The screening of the finalist videos and award ceremony will take place at the cinema encounters Ecrans Urbains on October 29, 2021 at the Musée Cantonal de Beaux Arts of Lausanne.
The Symphony is also a book
Thanks to the many wonderful collaborators in my ambitious project and second part of the Symphony of the Unknown, the accompanying publication is finally out! With texts by Susana Ventura, Julia Albani, George Kafka, Joaquim Moreno, and Mirko Zardini, and a conversation between Nuno Crespo and myself about about my work and artistic approach. The beautiful book in green linen, being inspired by an edition of Thomas Mann: Six Early Stories (Sun & Moon Press, 1997) has been designed by Something Fantastic, spreads over 192 pages (16,5 x 24 cm) with texts in English and Portuguese, many stills, photos, plans and sketches. Supported by the Portuguese Republic-Culture / Directorate-General of the Arts, the book is co-published by the Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Escola das Artes, CITAR and Sistema Solar (Documenta). Find a copy here or order one with EAN: 9789899006942.
Inside a gigantic machine
Inside a gigantic control system around boilers, coal mills, turbines, and of course generators. As part of an upcoming solo exhibition “Distant Lights” at CAS - Centro das Artes de Sines in 2022, I started shooting inside the coal power plant in Sines, still and empty following its anticipated closure and shut down earlier in January 2021, after running for over 35 years…
Splash in Hotel do Mar
For a new photo commission by A+A books I returned to Conceição Silva’s Hotel do Mar in Sesimbra (1958-1964). I was lucky to stay over night, just before everybody arrived for the summer holidays. The sea was there too.
The premiere of “Dear John”, a new video work by Nuno Cera, at
DEAR JOHN —my new video work premiers on Zizhi, as part of AFTERGLOW: a series of online exhibitions offering a place for experimentation and the development of new work or something rescued from the archive.
DEAR JOHN (2021, 5min) navigates the eruptions of constructed mass and incomplete landscapes of Peter Eisenman’s Cidade da Cultura de Galicia in Santiago de Compostela (2001-2012) to face John Hejduk’s towers.
SIX Installation views of the Symphony of the Unknown II
The Symphony of the Unknown II is now open as part of the Bienal ‘21 Fotografia do Porto at the Escola das Artes, Porto (through 25 June). The installation includes a specially designed bench by Barbas Lopes Arquitectos, inspired by Giancarlo de Carlo’s Collegio del Colle.
Opening: Symphony of the Unknown II, 7 May 2021
The second part of the Symphony of the Unknown is ready, and will premiere on Friday, 7 May at 7.30pm in Porto, at the Escola das Artes, where it will be on display until 25 June 2021. READ MORE about the project, that takes shape of a synchronised three-screen video installation and a publication…
Querido John…Recording the voice-overs for the Symphony of the Unknown II
Recording and editing in Porto last week at the Escola Da Artes - Universidade Catolica. We casted Maria Quintela, Mafalda Lencastre, João Macdonald, Shannon Booth, Ana R.Salt and Jeff Wood, to lend their voices to the Portuguese and English version of the essays by Susana Ventura, Joaquim Moreno and Mirko Zardini. The 3 channel video installation Symphony of the Unknown II will open to the public in mid May, matching its opening with the BIENAL'21 FOTOGRAFIA DO PORTO. The project is supported by: República Portuguesa – Cultura / Direção-Geral das Artes.
Photographing Vitruvius Without Text
Thanks to a special photography commission that André Tavares extended to me in the context of his forthcoming book Vitruvius Without Text to be published by ETH Zurich (gta Verlag, 2021), I joined him in “surveying multiple print editions of Vitruvius from the late 15th century until today, to unfold a historical panorama of architectural theory that fuses the immaterial realm of ideas with the material forms of books and buildings”, to use André's words. “This contribution seeks to reflect on the condition of architectural theory when confronted with the printed book. Vitruvius seems the most appropriate patron to ignite a discussion on the light-hearted relationship between architectural theory, history and practice.”
Editing the 3 channel video installation Symphony of the Unknown II
I love the editing process. A moment when everything is still possible. Making new connections between places and spacial concepts. I’ve also received the three texts for the voice overs written by Susana Ventura, Mirko Zardini, and Joaquim Moreno.
Almada: Um Território em Seis Ecologias (13.10.20-10.4.21)
A exposição Almada: Um Território em Seis Ecologias, com curadoria dos arquitetos Luís Santiago Baptista e Paula Melâneo, propõe uma leitura territorial, urbana e arquitetónica, convocando uma série de planos, projetos e obras consideradas relevantes e qualificadas, das quais existem registos significativos. Esta leitura realiza-se através de uma série de projetos artísticos e investigativos realizados especialmente para a exposição, a série fotográfica do artista Paulo Catrica, as narrativas textuais e visuais do geógrafo Álvaro Domingues, e o meu olhar sobre as instalações da indústria naval. (Museu de Almada – Casa da Cidade, até 10 abril 2021)
Capturing Byrne’s Pink Panther in Lisbon
For the forthcoming architectural guide dedicated to the built work of Gonçalo Byrne, I travelled all over Portugal this summer to photograph 73 of his projects. Commissioned by A+A books (release February 2021). Here, I am at the collective social housing “The Pink Panther” in Lisbon, built between 1972 and 1979.
Shooting at Giancarlo de Carlo’s Collegio del Colle, Urbino
Shooting the third segment for the three channel video project Symphony of the Unknown - part II (for an upcoming exhibition, opening in May 2021). Urbino’s Collegio del Colle - a space conceived to shape society, a student college thought and designed as a city by Giancarlo de Carlo. I invited the architect and curator Mirko Zardini to write the script for the voice over and the essay for the accompanying publication (launch in May 2021)
Togetherness, Hejduk Towers in Eisenman’s Cidade da Cultura de Galicia
For the second segment of the three channel video project Symphony of the Unknown - part II, I am shooting inside the museum, the library and the Hejduk Towers of Galicia’s deserted City of Culture in Santiago de Compostela. This ambitious, gigantic, six-building project, was commissioned in 1999 to the architect Peter Eisenman. Twenty years later, two of its buildings remain unbuilt. The Lisbon-based architect, writer and curator Susana Ventura is writing the script for the voice over and the essay for the accompanying publication.
Um ensaio visual: o Mosteiro dos Jerónimos e a Torre de Belém, Lisboa
Uma encomenda da Direção-Geral do Património Cultural (DGPC) para a produção de um ensaio visual sobre o conjunto monástico - a igreja manuelina, o Claustro quinhentista, o antigo Refeitório; e um outro sobre a Torre de Belém.
Symphony of the Unknown - part II: I start shooting at the Torre do Tombo, Lisbon
For the second episode of the Symphony of the Unknown, I start shooting the first segment of the three channel video project at the Torre do Tombo. The National Portuguese Archive in Lisbon was designed by Arsénio Cordeiro, and inaugurated in 1990. A fortress to act as a guardian of a collective memory. The upper two of the seven floors shelter more than 140 kilometres of shelves for the archival holdings. I invited the Porto-based architect and curator Joaquim Moreno to come up with the voice over and essay for the publication.