Artist-in-residence at Bridges to the Unknown, Champalimaud Foundation
Thrilled to be part of Bridges to the Unknown, an Art-Science Residency program, inviting artists to work on a project in collaboration with researchers and/or health professionals at the Champalimaud Center for the Unknown in Lisbon.
The residency forms part of my ongoing artistic investigation Cérebros Distantes / Distant Brains (2023–2025) that explores the evolving interplay between robots, humans, and plants, envisioning an archaeology of the present. Developed in collaboration Joana Rafael and Julia Albani, the work unfolds as a series of episodes, where robots engage with other intelligent species in diverse settings such as factories, universities, and laboratories. The project culminates in a video installation on the intersections of technology, intelligence, and our shared environments (May 2025).
This project is supported by the Portuguese Republic - Ministry of Culture / DGArtes, and includes collaborations with the Systems and Robotics Laboratory of the Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon; 1825 - Research Studio for Architectural Visualization, Lisbon; Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft, Wolfsburg; Champalimaud Center for the Unknown, Lisbon; and Cooperativa de Comunicação e Cultura de Torres Vedras.

Festa de lançamento, Complexo dos Coruchéus, Lisboa, 18.1.2025
No próximo dia 18 de Janeiro, Sábado, às 17:00, celebramos o lançamento do meu novo livro MINHA LUZ / MY LIGHT publicado pela editora Distanz (Berlim). A monografia apresenta as minhas séries de trabalhos recentes My Light, Acid Flamingo, Infinite Window e Cosmic Debris, com contribuições de Julia Albani, Susana Ventura, Jeff Wood e Daniel Zamarbide, e com design gráfico de Thomas Spallek.
Complexo dos Coruchéus | Atelier 23 | Rua Alberto de Oliveira, Lisboa.

Book launch + Screening, Circo de Ideias, Porto, 29.11.2025
Join us in Porto at Circo de Ideias on 29 November at 18h30 for a screening of one of my latest videos, ACID FLAMINGO, a modern tale between the Tagus estuary and the Ebro delta (2024, 26’49’’), followed by the launch of my new book MY LIGHT / MINHA LUZ (2024, DISTANZ), a comprehensive monograph featuring my recent work series My Light, Acid Flamingo, Infinite Window, and Cosmic Debris. With contributions by Julia Albani, Susana Ventura, Jeff Wood, and Daniel Zamarbide.

This is Thomas Spallek, my friend and fantastic graphic designer (Studio Thomas Spallek, Porto) who worked with me on my upcoming book, My Light / Minha Luz, a comprehensive monograph that focusses on four of my recent series: My Light, Acid Flamingo, Infinite Window, and Cosmic Debris. Published by Berlin based DISTANZ, the volume features texts by Jeff Wood, Susana Ventura, Daniel Zamarbide, and a conversation between Julia Albani and myself.
The book will be available in December, in English, spans over 148 pages, and was realised thanks to the kind support of the Fundação Ilídio Pinho, Fundação PMLJ, Galeria Miguel Nabinho, and Petronilho Friaças Lda. (ISBN 978-3-95476-672-7)

Vídeo Ensaio - A Casa: Uma Revolução Assim…
“Procuramos registar o momento que o país atravessa em torno da questão da habitação, a partir de uma leitura crítica e artística: das lutas, das declarações públicas, das cooperativas, das questões e das incertezas perante o futuro.”
Premiere na Culturgest do vídeo ensaio “A Casa: Uma Revolução Assim…” (2024 | 40 min) que realizei com o arquiteto Tiago Mota Saraiva, e em colaboração com a curadora Julia Albani, no contexto do festival Uma Revolução Assim - Luta e Ficção: A Questão da Habitação. O projecto é o resultado de um ano de observação e registo de diferentes momentos, movimentos e ações, e foi produzido com o apoio do Goethe-Institut Portugal.
Foto: @beatriz.pequeno

Opening 2 May: ACID FLAMINGO at the National Museum of Natural History and Science in Lisbon
Conceived as a modern tale between two almost opposite points on the Iberian peninsula, the Tagus estuary in Lisbon and the Ebro delta in a state of climate emergency, my latest video installation ADID FLAMINGO (26’49’’) will open on 2 May, 6-9pm at the National Museum of Natural History and Science in Lisbon.
The project is supported by the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian and realized in collaboration with Julia Albani and Jeff Wood.
3/5 – 3/6/2024, Universidade de Lisboa / Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência, Rua da Escola Politécnica 56, 1250-102 Lisboa. Further information and full text available here.

ACID FLAMINGO new research and video project
Embarking on a new project and investigation for a video installation to be presented at the National Museum of Natural History and Science in Lisbon in 2024. ACID FLAMINGO is conceived as a fable with the Phoenicopterus roseus - the flamingo - as the main protagonist, based on an investigation of two almost opposite points on the Iberian peninsula: the Tagus estuary in Lisbon and the Ebro delta in a state of climate emergency. The project is supported by the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian and realized in collaboration with Julia Albani and Jeff Wood.

DEAR JOHN screening at Atmosphéric, filming architecture
From 3 to 29 October 2023, my short film DEAR JOHN (2021, 5’’) is screening at arc en rêve centre d'architecture in Bordeaux, as part of “Atmospheric, filming architecture”, a project halfway between an exhibition and a festival, that presents the work of 40 authors – exploring the many ways in which video can contribute to the transmission of architecture. …

Architecture and the Reflective Practice
‘Architecture and the Reflective Practice’ is a new book with texts by Kenneth Frampton, Rafael Magrou, Yehuda Safran, Diogo Seixas Lopes, André Tavares, and Ana Vaz Milheiro on the body of work and ideas produced by Promontorio over the past 30 years. The atelier was founded in Lisbon in 1990 by Paulo Martins Barata, João Luís Ferreira, Paulo Perloiro, Pedro Appleton and João Perloiro as an experimental practice. I had the chance to accompany Promontorio’s research and projects over the past decades, and some of the evidence made it into this impressive book. published by Hatje Cantz, ISBN: 978-3-7757-5235-0, 2023, 448 Pages. Read more and order here.

Tour d’Horizon on view at Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation – CAM
My work “Tour d’Horizon”, a 3 synchronized HD video channel installation (14 min, 2016) will be presented in the upcoming exhibition Histórias de uma Coleção [Histories of a Collection], that is organised on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s Modern Art Centre (Centro de Arte Moderna – CAM). The video had been commissioned in 2016 by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation for the Amadeo de Souza ‐ Cardoso exhibition, co‐organized by the Réunion des Musées Nationaux - Grand Palais, Paris and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Histórias de uma Coleção [Histories of a Collection] revisits some of the most significant works from the CAM Collection, acquired by the Gulbenkian Foundation since the late 1950s, and to get to know its lesser-known or previously unseen works. 05 May – 18 Sep 2023, more info here.

Janela Infinita/ Infinite Window 18.11.22-14.1.23
A superfície do mar é um espelho que absorve e reflecte a luz do céu, absorve e reflecte as cores do fundo do mar, misturando reflexos nos movimentos ondulatórios, sem qualquer artificialidade. A amplitude é plena, a vastidão infinita e os elementos naturais - nuvens, nevoeiro, maresia, espuma… - falam a linguagem primordial da câmara fotográfica, o olho artificial que revela o inconsciente do tecido da realidade, os interstícios onde a matéria se faz expressiva. Ler mais
Janela infinita / Infinite Window
18.11.2022 - 14.01.2023, Inauguração 18.11.2022, 22H
Galeria Miguel Nabinho. Rua Tenente Ferreira Durão 18-B, Lisboa.

Opening 17/11/22: Disquietude. Architecture and Energy in Portugal
Curators Lars Fischer (Brussels) and Kim Förster (Manchester) of common room selected my work for their upcoming exhibition Disquietude. Architecture and Energy in Portugal: Lara Almarcegui, ateliermob, Christoph Brünggel, Nuno Cera, Marina Pinsky, and Nuno Vasconcelos. The project addresses the entanglement between architecture and energy in the 20th century with a view to current transformations, using Portugal as an example. Presented at Galerias Municipais Lisboa from 17 November 2022 to 26 March 2023, the exhibition features artistic, architectural, archival, and creative works that address the relationship between architecture and energy in a broader sense.
Join us for the opening on 17 November, 4-8pm, Avenida da India Gallery. For further information, visit Galerias Municipais.

4 new video works for Visionaries at the Lisbon Architecture Triennial
Curator Anastassia Smirnova invited me to contribute with new videos of four projects to her exhibition “Visionaries”, on display through 4 December at Lisbon’s Culturgest as part of the 6th Lisbon Architecture Triennale. The show focuses on realised and realisable visions by architects, artists, designers, and scientists who aim to systematically change the world. The projects I documented are: Run Run Run by Andrés Jaque / Office for Political Innovation, in Madrid; Second Home by Selgas Cano Architects, in Los Angeles ; Roosenberg Abbey by Dom Hans van der Laan, in Waasmunster; and San Gimignano Lichtenberg by b+ in Berlin. For more information, visit the Lisbon Architecture Triennale.

Opening at maat 8/11/22: LUZES DISTANTES / DISTANT LIGHTS
Following the exhibition at CAS - Centro de Artes de Sines, Luzes Distantes / Distant Lights will now open its second iteration at maat - Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology in Lisbon, on 8 November 2022, and will be on display through 13 March 2023. The new installation focuses on a long-term research project that Nuno Cera started in 2019 about Sines. The result consists of a photo series and a synchronized two-channel video installation (38 minutes, in English with Portuguese subtitles, with original texts by Joana Rafael). Continue reading…

Shooting inside and above Second Home in Los Angeles
For the upcoming Lisbon Architecture Triennale and upon invitation by Anastassia Smirnova, curator of the exhibition “Visionairies” , I travelled to Los Angeles to shoot at Second Home, a project by the Madrid-based Selgas Cano Architects. They made use of an existing two-story building from 1964 by Paul Williams and transformed a former Hollywood parking-lot into a gigantic co-working centre with 60 oval-shaped pods surrounded by over 10,000 plants and trees, many butterflies, ants, bees, squirrels… ”Visionaries” will focus on realised and realisable visions by architects, artists, designers, and scientists who aim to systematically change the world. To open on 30 September at Culturgest in Lisbon.

No terreno das Luzes Distantes
Abriu no Centro de Artes de Sines a minha exposição individual LUZES DISTANTES / DISTANT LIGHTS, uma pesquisa retrospetiva a olhar para o futuro. (09.07- 16.11.2022) Revisitei o corpo de trabalho que tenho dedicado a Sines nos últimos 30 anos – nomeadamente, “Daqui a 30 anos: Saudades” (1993); “SINES 2000” (2000); e “Sem título (Al Berto)” (2010) – e apresento uma nova serie de fotografias e uma instalação vídeo de dois canais sincronizados, com sete episódios ….

Hotel do Mar 1960-1970: Terraces on a cliff by the sea
A Editora A+A Books lançou o #03 da coleção Single dedicado ao Hotel do Mar, obra do arquiteto Francisco Conceição Silva com um ensaio fotográfico inédito meu.
Conceição Silva, de que se celebra este ano cem anos da data de nascimento, respondeu às solicitações do seu cliente e do sítio, com uma solução na sequência da experimentação de grandes mestres do Movimento Moderno, rompendo, como os da sua geração, com as reverências às Belas-Artes e ao nacionalismo do Estado Novo da geração anterior.
Coincidindo com o arranque do desenvolvimento turístico do Sol e Mar em Portugal, o Hotel do Mar serviu de cadinho para outros projetos do mesmo ramo pela mão do arquiteto, quer para o Algarve ou a Serra da Estrela, para terminar na península de Tróia.
Disponível na A+A Books

Save the date 9 July: Opening Luzes Distantes / Distant Lights
Join me in Sines at the CAS Centro de Artes on Saturday 9 July, at 6pm for the opening of my upcoming solo exhibition “Luzes Distantes / Distant Lights”. Thrilled about the team brought together to produce the show, that will present a selection from 30 years of work and a new video project: including BUREAU for the exhibition design, Paulo Freitas for the graphic design of the show and the accompanying book, with texts by Joana Rafael and Case Miller, and co-curated by José Mouro & Julia Albani.

Next solo show: The Falls / As Quedas, Convento de São Francisco, Coimbra
Como percecionar a passagem do tempo? Ou melhor, como medir a força do próprio tempo?
As Quedas / The Falls é uma exposição que investiga a passagem do tempo, inspirado pelos fenómenos físicos observados nas Cataratas do Niágara, e no arquipélago das Berlengas. Hipnotizado e atraído pela colossal massa de água em movimento, Nuno Cera explora – através do vídeo e da fotografia – o excesso do real: a cada segundo, precipitam-se do topo das cataratas 1,6 milhões de litros de água, salpicados pelo verde viridente dos sais dissolvidos pela força erosiva do rio Niágara.
Sala do Capítulo do Convento de São Francisco, 27.01. - 27.03.2022

Opening: In-between this and something else, 5 December, 2021
'In-between this and something else' is a travel through the urban space of Macau through a set of my photographs and videos, and a sound installation by Rui Farinha. The project starts from the book 'Macau. Dialogues on Architecture and Society' (Circo de Ideias, 2019), edited by Margarida Saraiva and Tiago Saldanha Quadros. The exhibition, produced by Babel Cultural Organisation and esad-idea, Research in Design and Art, integrates a programme of talks, coordinated by Magda Seifert and Tomé Saldanha Quadros. This exhibition is a parallel project of DESIGNAgorà documentary film festival.
05.12.2021 — 15.01.2022 —> Galeria da Biodiversidade — Museu de História Natural e da Ciência, Universidade do Porto, Casa Andresen.